our story

Primitives is a biodesign company that develops innovative new biomaterials to solve critical environmental and ecological problems. Through innovative design and cutting-edge engineering, Primitives has produced a library of biomaterials that deliver environmental services across the product lifecycle. From biodegradable plastics that sense and respond to the environment, to fine marble made from sea urchins that drive kelp reforestation - our life’s work is dedicated to reshaping the modern materials landscape towards a regenerative, biodiverse circular economy. 

"In nature, nothing exists alone" - Rachel Carlson, silent spring

Based in Berkeley and Mendocino, California, our team is made up of designers, scientists, and environmentalists that draw on over 10 years of expertise in biomaterials technology. The company was founded by MIT trained designer and scientist, Virj Kan. Together with a network of marine scientists, environmental non-profits, government organizations, and regional communities, we are closing the loop on ocean conservation by creating blue economy products that drive large scale invasive and nuisance species removal. Join us in building a future where the materials around us come to life, and generates a biodiverse ecology that nourishes us all.